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I will be entering Dogs Trust Westminster Dog of the Year with little Peanut, pictured below.

Peanut, a terrier cross who is coming up to 9 years old, was rehomed by Dogs Trust several years ago.

As a long standing animal welfare champion, I am very much looking forward to this competition on Thursday and I know Peanut is very excited about it.

Westminster Dog of the Year highlights the wonderful dogs that are rehomed by Dogs Trust through its centres across the UK and is also helpful in countering some of the myths that all dogs at rehoming centres have ‘issues’. This is not so.

Peanut and I are hoping to help get that message across to anyone who is thinking about giving a home to a friendly doggy companion as ambassadors for responsible rehoming as well as highlighting the general importance of dog welfare.

Please vote for Peanut and I to win this competition. You can register your vote by visiting

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