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I am delighted to “Wear It Pink” today to raise awareness of breast cancer and support Breast Cancer Now.

I added a splash of pink to my usual Westminster attire to support Breast Cancer Now’s campaign to help raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research and life-changing support.

Anyone can take part in wear it pink, whether at school, work or at home. All you need to do is wear something pink, or hold a pink themed event, and donate to Breast Cancer Now. With every penny raised, fundraisers across the UK will be helping the charity achieve its vision that by 2050 everyone diagnosed with breast cancer lives, and is supported to live well.

With one in four women in NHS Ayrshire & Arran Health Board area not attending breast screening, raising awareness of breast cancer is extremely important.

Every 10 minutes, someone in the UK hears the words “you have breast cancer”. It’s the most common cancer in women in the UK. Each year around 11,500 women and 85 men lose their lives to the disease.

I am proud to raise awareness of the impact of the disease locally, and to support and advocate for Breast Cancer Now’s research. Breast cancer affects so many people in North Ayrshire & Arran, so I hope that everybody will support this very important cause.

If you want to participate in "Wear It Pink", you can access more information at

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