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I attended the launch of Open Doors World Watch List 2023.

Open Doors is a charity which supports persecuted Christians around the world and compiles a list of countries every year where Christians face the worst levels of persecution.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of this research from the charity which shows that today more than 360 million Christians experience high and extreme levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith. In 1993 when the World Watch List started, Christians faced such persecution for their faith in 40 countries. Thirty years on, the number of countries where Christians face high or extreme levels of persecution for their faith is now 76.

The persecution of Christians is growing and worldwide, 1 in 7 Christians experience high and extreme levels of persecution.

Hearing the testimonies of those Christians who have fled for their lives in the face of such persecution was harrowing but I wish to applaud Open Doors for the work it does to support those suffering for their faith.

Freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right.

You can read about the Open Doors World Watch List 2023 at

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