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The fragility of the UK’s food security has been highlighted by the impact of Russia’s invasion. Between them, Ukraine and Russia account for a significant proportion of global crop production, and an even bigger share of global crop exports. The conflict has severely disrupted supply chains and farmers across Scotland the UK are deeply concerned about surging fertiliser and animal feed costs.

I called on the UK Government to mitigate food insecurity with an equivalent and proportionate UK fund to the proposed €1.5 billion EU emergency fund. This fund must be accessible to devolved Governments to support our farmers and help tackle food insecurity. We also need some concrete action to improve the self-sufficiency of UK food supplies, particularly as we increasingly rely on imports while at the same time bringing in Brexit checks on food imported from the EU.

Ultimately, our food security is inextricably linked to our national security, and the Government’s policies must reflect this urgent and growing crisis, both globally and within the UK. More below 👇.

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