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Today is Holocaust Memorial Day.

This week I signed the Holocaust Educational Trust (UK)’s Book of Commitment, pledging my commitment to Holocaust Memorial Day and honouring those who were murdered during the Holocaust, as well as paying tribute to the extraordinary Holocaust survivors who work tirelessly to educate young people today.

Holocaust Memorial Day falls on 27th January every year, the anniversary of the liberation of the infamous former Nazi concentration and death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, in 1945, a day when we remember the horrors of the past.

The theme for this year’s commemorations is ‘Fragility of Freedom’, recognising how easily freedoms can be lost or stolen and how, even when they are regained, life may never be the same again.

This Holocaust Memorial Day, as antisemitism once again sweeps across the globe, it is more important than ever to remember the six million Jewish victims and remind ourselves that anti-Jewish racism did not begin nor end with the Holocaust.

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