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Saturday saw the return of Garnock Valley Carves in Beith, a huge event for the town which I attended with North Ayrshire Council’s Provost, and Garnock Valley’s Cllr Anthea Dickson and Kenneth Gibson MSP.

Carvers from across the world participate in this exciting and artistic event which also has a competitive edge.

The range of carvings are such marvellous works of art and the artists are hugely talented and never seem to tire despite hours upon hours of heavy chainsaw work.

Kenneth and I were part of the judging panel, which was no easy feat but in the end, Sylvia Altzen from Germany was awarded first prize for her tools workbench, closely followed by “Meerkat Manor” by Ian Williams.

Well done to Beith Community Legends, Norrie and Rose Brown who work tirelessly to make this event such a success every year, with their dedicated helpers.

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