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The Scottish National Party (SNP) has criticised the Tory government for their "contempt for democracy,” after former MP Nicky Morgan was handed a peerage in order to keep her Cabinet post as Culture Secretary – despite standing down at the General Election

Zac Goldsmith – who lost his seat at the election – is also expected to be moved into the unelected House of Lords in order to keep his government position as Environment and Development Minister attending Cabinet.

Patricia Gibson MP, who has consistently called for the House of Lords to be abolished said:

“Tory contempt for democracy knows no bounds, as Boris Johnson moves to fill his Cabinet with those who chose not to stand or who were rejected by voters.

“It seems as though the Tories don’t even have to be held to account by the public in order to keep the perks of ministerial office.

“From Westminster to Scotland, the UK Tory Government’s undemocratic stance is clear for all to see, as they reject the people of Scotland’s decision to have a choice over their future, while simultaneously stuffing the House of Lords with yet more Tories.

“Serving in government is something that should be earned. Instead, Mr Johnson is creating his own private club of unelected people who will have a say over legislation that will impact on the livelihoods of people across Scotland and the UK. The House of Lords has to go.

"People in Scotland face the prospect of five more years of a Tory Government we did not vote for and being dictated to by unelected Tory Lords. It's clear that people in Scotland must have the right to choose a better future than the broken Westminster system being imposed upon us."


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