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This week, Parliament voted to pass a Bill requesting that the Prime Minister seeks an extension to Article 50 to avoid a no-deal Brexit, and this Bill has now become law. The Leader of the House was clearly unhappy with this development, and I asked her if she could see that it is only due to her own Government’s mismanagement of the entire Brexit process has forced Parliament to take such a step.

I pointed out that this has been occurred, not only because the Tory party is so bitterly divided over Brexit, but also because the people of the UK refused to give the Government full control of the Brexit process. The result of the 2017 General Election was clear, the people of the UK did not want Theresa May or her Tory Party to have a blank cheque to press ahead with their vision of Brexit, yet this Government has carried on regardless.

After the Government’s deal has been defeated three times, Parliament has been forced to take steps to protect the UK from a disastrous no-deal Brexit.

Click below to watch the exchange.

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