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The Scottish National Party (SNP) Scottish Government’s Equally Safe strategy to address domestic violence against women in Scotland, includes measures to teach school children the significance of consent and healthy relationships, is set to be expanded. It focuses on tackling perpetrators and intervening early to stop violence and maximise the safety and wellbeing of women and children.

The SNP Government has published a progress report highlighting the actions it has taken and plans to take to tackle the issue, including:

• Passing the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018, marking a watershed moment in which the destructive impact of coercive and controlling behaviour is recognised by the law.

• Providing additional funding of £1.5 million for Rape Crisis Centres to speed up access to support for survivors.

• Expanding the innovative Caledonian Programme that works with men convicted of domestic abuse related offences to help reduce their reoffending.

• Widening the delivery of the Rape Crisis Sexual Violence Prevention Programme in schools, to increase understanding of consent and healthy relationships.

Patricia Gibson MP said:

“The SNP Government’s progress report provides evidence of the work both undertaken so far and planned for the future. This includes running a campaign to raise awareness of coercive control and domestic abuse to coincide with the implementation of the Domestic Abuse Act, and convening a roundtable on what more can be done to tackle online abuse and misogyny.

Dr Marsha Scott, Chief Executive of Scottish Women's Aid, added:

“Though we have come a long way and in many ways Scotland leads in efforts to eliminate violence against women, we have a long way to go before women’s equality is achieved.

“For as long as that inequality exists so too will the harassment, abuse and violence that we experience. So too will the work of Scottish Women’s Aid, so that women in Scotland have equal opportunity to explore all their ambitions and aspirations, and live their lives free from fear, violence and abuse.”


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