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Across the UK, 50,000 trees are being planted as part of the Woodlands Trust’s Queen’s Canopy Project, a network of global forest conservation initiatives.

Having enthusiastically agreed to participate, I was provided with a specially-labelled tree pack, containing UK-sourced and grown native broadleaf trees.

Last week, I planted these trees with pupils from St.Winnings Primary School in Kilwinning James Reid School in Saltcoatsand Ardeer Primary & Nursery School in Stevenston

Trees are so important for us. They produce oxygen, improve soil health and water quality, reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, diminish the impact of flooding, trap pollutants, shelter livestock, provide a home for wildlife and a host of everyday products. Trees are also enjoyed for their own sake.

I’m sure that the children with whom I planted these trees and their fellow pupils and staff will enjoy watching them flourish. The children were very engaged in this activity and are keen to monitor their progress as they grow.

I am delighted that the Woodland Trust has championed this issue and is so committed to raising awareness of the importance of trees in our communities, and contributing to their conservation.

“At the end of the First World War, Scotland’s great forests had all but disappeared. Only 2% of Scotland was forested. I’m glad to say that this has now grown to 17% and Scottish National Party (SNP) Scottish Governmenthas a target of 25% by 2030.

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