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Four Nation Talks Must Replace Hard Brexit Plan

FOUR NATION TALKS MUST REPLACE HARD BREXIT PLAN SINGLE MARKET MEMBERSHIP CENTRAL TO NEW DEAL The First Minister at the first meeting of the new SNP parliamentary group will call for a short pause in the Brexit negotiations so that a new four nation, cross party position, can be put together that recognises the outcome of the election and the rejection of the Tories hard Brexit position. SNP proposals include: • Accepting EU offers of a short pause before negotiations begin to develop a new position. • Involving the devolved governments in the negotiations and re-establishing the Joint Ministerial Committee with immediate effect. • Establishing an advisory group containing cross party representation alongside representatives of all devolved governments to agree a new position for the UK and oversee the Brexit negotiations. • Placing membership of the single market and the customs union at the heart of those proposals • Guaranteeing the rights of EU nationals to remain with immediate effect. The SNP Government’s compromise position that the UK would leave the EU but remain in the single market and that Scottish Ministers should be at the negotiating table, provides a blueprint for a new UK position. Speaking ahead of meeting the new parliamentary group in Westminster, Ms Sturgeon said: “In what is a very unstable situation for the UK Government, it is essential that time is taken to secure a consensus over the approach to Brexit negotiations. “The Tories hard Brexit plan has been rejected and we cannot allow the negotiations to become hostage to the inability of either the Tories or Labour to command a clear majority. It is imperative that we now build a cross party, all government approach to Brexit that will protect all of our interests at this highly uncertain time. “As a first step it is now imperative that the UK Government takes a short pause before beginning negotiations to work with others to put together a new position – one that is truly based on the interests of the entire UK. “At the same time the devolved governments must now be included in the negotiations and the Joint Ministerial Committee re-established. “And at the heart of this position must be maintaining our place in the single market and in the customs union. That is where common ground lies. “The SNP Government is ready to begin discussions around such a position immediately and I call on all parties to come together to build a new way forward.”

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