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Labour's Deputy Leader Admits Labour Can't Beat Tories

LABOUR’S DEPUTY LEADER ADMITS LABOUR CAN’T BEAT TORIES It is clear that only a strong team of SNP MPs can protect Scotland from an unopposed Tory government at Westminster, after Labour’s Deputy Leader Tom Watson said that the Tories are heading for a “Margaret Thatcher-style” majority in England. Patricia Gibson said: “Now more than ever, it is vital to have strong SNP voices standing up for Scotland. “Labour has all but given up on this election, admitting that they cannot beat the Tories. Only a strong team of SNP MPs can protect Scotland from an unopposed Tory government at Westminster. “In Scotland we know the devastating reality of seven years of Tory austerity cuts, with millions of working families hammered by cuts to tax credits, low income families forced to rely on food banks just to get by, rising inequality and disgraceful Tory policies like the rape clause, the bedroom tax, and the cuts to disabled people’s mobility support. “The choice at this election is between strong SNP MPs that will stand up for Scotland and against Tory austerity or more Tory MPs that will only seek to impose further cuts. “A vote for the SNP on 8th June is a vote for a strong voice for Scotland and to continue working hard to make Scotland the best country it can be.”

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